Speaker Topics
Speaker Topics
Best For: Conferences, 1-hr Break-Out Sessions, Panel Discussions, On-line Forums
Topic # 1 Emotional Resilience
Stuck in feelings of anxiety, mood swings, playing the victim, overreacting, and negative rumination? Let’s seek true freedom! This is Coach Kim Sharell’s passion work of expertise. The seasons of life where you need to rise up with tenacity and know that you can get through anything is what ER focuses on. Certain emotions can cause entanglements in life. But there are so many skills that promise us emotional freedom and success. Journey with Coach Kim as she hands you the keys to unlock your abilities to deal with adversity with confidence.
Topic # 2 Self-Confidence
The big bright umbrella of self-acceptance and self-esteem that covers us and drives many very important decisions of life must be regularly tended to. You are worthy of having whatsoever abundance God desires you have and your self-confidence should exude that. Living this life without truly loving yourself is living subpar. You’re uniquely amazing; let’s learn how to truly agree with that!
Topic # 3 Self-Love & Dating
We all deserve to love and to be loved! However, priority must be self-love before considering a dating relationship with another. Hear about Coach Kim Sharell’s juicy dating journey and her unique perspective on love and dating and how you indeed can get it right after all when turning your efforts inward first! Plus a sneak peek into her upcoming book “Dating Me” set to publish and release Summer of 2022.
Topic # 4 Veganism in the Brown Community
Embracing veganism for a couple of years now, hear Coach Kim Sharell’s compelling story behind her decision to adopt a vegan diet and lifestyle and why you should consider it as an option even as a brown person that had a high meat-based diet during your upbringing.
Topic # 5 Worship Leader Chronicles
A trained singer and song vocalizing in front of pageantry and church crowds since age 7, Coach Kim Sharell loves the position of worship leader. Let her share her experience filled talk of being a worship leader in many churches from Asia to the United States, performing in gospel plays, and releasing a Christmas musical project on iTunes. It is possible to enjoy the lows & highs of the calling during all seasons of life and ministry.